Bold & Brave
Body acceptance refers to asserting that all people deserve to have a positive relationship with their body, regardless of how society and popular culture view ideal shape, size, and appearance. The movement has grown to be a key topic of conversation and campaigns in recent years by challenging the norms and encouraging individuals to embrace their imperfections.
Social media has become a powerful tool in creating conversations around body acceptance. The community of body-positive social media influencers has flourished and encouraged the next generation to follow in their footsteps through relatable, transparent content. Now, we asked TICE students to join in. In this project, students used illustration as a tool to communicate acceptance as part of the social media campaign, #boldandbrave.

Project Outcome
Once the students had a direction, they were tasked to design their statement piece. Next, learn how to phrase copy to effectively create an impact. To complement their statement, they have produced a visual piece that will give your campaign the impact it needs to communicate your message. Finally, they needed to come up with an Instagram caption to attract online audiences.
A huge well done goes to Vladyslava Chavaha from Whitley Bay High School for her #boldandbrave campaign.