Since 360 B.C. the story of Atlantis has been a story of myth and legend, but it carries a severe and somewhat realistic scenario that does not seem so farfetched when we think of the state of our planet.
Fast forward to this very day; where are we now? … a planet that is also struggling to keep up with the human condition - particularly the fashion industry and our overconsumption. This project took students on a journey using the story of Atlantis as a metaphor for the impact of fast fashion. They were introduced to two fashion markets; metaverse fashion and the athleisurewear market. Understanding what they both are and how they design for them.

Project Outcome
The students gained knowledge on circular fashion and metaverse fashion and explored a fashion trend called Natureverse. They discovered the skills and knowledge needed to become a fashion designer in the athleisurewear and fashion metaverse markets. The students were asked to design an athleisurewear 4-outfit line-up based on the story of Atlantis and the fashion industry’s impact on our planet. They were also asked to create a metaverse 4-outfit line-up for an avatar— for a utopian paradise in the metaverse. To complete the project, a short video was to be made promoting both of their fashion collections.
Well done and a congratulations on all your hard work to Katie Page from Royal Grammar School, Newcastle and Xanthe, Emily Casey, Beth Holdsworth and Erin Holland from Whitley Bay High School.