Psychoanalyse, What?
A legacy lives on through London-based designer Bella Freud – as the daughter of artist Lucien Freud and the great-granddaughter of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, creative intellect is in the DNA of her eponymous fashion label.
Bella Freud launched her eponymous label in 1990 and was named ‘most innovative designer’ at the London fashion awards a year later. Her designs are instantly recognisable, and her signature ‘word’ jumpers have gained a following worldwide. Within this project, the students work as fashion communicators to promote a new 'word' jumper. They had to design and create a Zine that showcases their inspiration for a new word jumper.

Project Outcome
Psychoanalyse, What? explores the skills of a fashion communicator. The students have had to develop their skills in areas of fashion photography, fashion graphics and creative writing using influences given by the Bella Freud team. Their end result is an 8-page zine promoting a new 'word' jumper concept.
A huge congratulations on all your hard work, well done going to Jay Dodds from Berwick Academy, Zoe Manson from Boldon School, Lily Allsopp from Burnside College, Florence Grundy, Becky Malcolm and May Cademy-Clementson from Marden High School, Afrodite Gonclaves and Jessica Fletcher from Norham High School, Tara Davison and Imogen Davies from Royal Grammar School Newcastle, William Heath and Austin Sweeney from Whitley Bay High School and Zia Cheers, Anna Richardson and Isabelle Metcalfe from Durham School, Lilly Oliver from Consett Academy, and Evie Capps and Izzy Chopping from Duchess' Community High School.