Writing Utopias
Have you ever dreamed of a better world? Of a place where everything is just how you like it? Or imagined an adventure where you write the rules and draw the maps? Writing is way into these worlds. If you can dream it, you can make it happen.
Utopias are imagined places where everything is perfect. If you could create yours, where would it be? Who would go with you? And what would need to change to make it happen? In this project the students got to explore utopias, learn creative writing skills and start developing their writers voice. Are you read about some brand new worlds?

Project Outcome
Acknowledging that we live in uncertain times and are learning to adapt to changes around us. Sometimes the world can move so fast that we feel like we want to get off. Writing gives us space and time to reflect and explore our feelings. Using everything the students learnt about creative writing, they were asked to create a short story set in their very own utopia. Their story invites readers into a world built with their imagination. Enjoy.